Google warns Canada’s online news bill could force subsidies on biased outlets
Global News
The bill, known as C-18 in Parliament, would make tech giants such as Google and Meta pay for reusing news produced by Canadian news organizations.
Google is warning that the federal government’s online news bill could force it to subsidize non-authoritative or biased news sources, such as the Russian state-sponsored news agency Sputnik.
But the organization representing Canada’s news media industry says the wording of the bill is tight and specifically excludes outlets that promote the interests of an organization.
Google argues the bill’s definition of an eligible news source is so broad that non-professional news outlets with two or more journalists in Canada, including those funded by foreign states, could be eligible for payment from tech giants.
The online news bill, modelled on a similar law in Australia, is designed to support Canada’s news industry and combat the spread of news from biased or unreliable sources.
The bill, known as C-18 in Parliament, would make tech giants such as Google and Meta pay for reusing news produced by Canadian news organizations.
The proposed legislation would also prevent tech giants penalizing or giving preference to news organizations it has reached agreements with.
But Google says this could affect the way it ranks news on its search engine and moderates content.
After the war in Ukraine began, it began limiting the visibility of state-controlled Russian media organization RT, including on the Google News search tool.