Google CEO Sundar Pichai shares tips to make Monday mornings more tolerable
India Today
Google CEO Sundar Pichai deals with Monday a lot differently than we do. He knows the ways to ward off Monday blues and has shared his insights so that you can do it.
Monday has never made anyone happy, especially the office goers. The Monday mornings get particularly hard if you have just started going to the office after staying at home for two years due to Covid. Google CEO Sundar Pichai deals with Monday a lot differently than we do. He knows the ways to ward off Monday blues and has shared his insights so that you can do it. PIchai said that he gets to plan in advance on Monday for the rest of the days and that helps him in organising his thoughts.
Talking about what he truly likes about Monday, Pichai told the Wall Street Journal, “I really value quiet time in the morning. It’s the only time where I get to step back and reflect. Normally I have a quiet breakfast; reading the news is very important to me. I always read the Journal in the morning. I read other news as well, and get a good sense of what’s happening in the world.” Pichai doesn’t eat fancy breakfast so that he can focus on the other important things.
Pichai said that Monday morning is extremely important to him because that is when he thinks about the important things he wants to get done for the week. He carries a notepad with him and a pen and notes down the three to five things he wants to get done.
Returning to the office after a hiatus of two years can be a herculean task, more so because we imagine a lot of scenarios about dealing with people, about traveling on public transport and the thing that haunts us the most is getting out of our comfort zone all over again. Working from home has challenges, but it is Covid’s best gift to the working professionals. It also gave a new perspective to companies on how work can be done and that physical presence is not required to do work. But all good things come to an end and so has our WFH system. With Covid cases going down across the globe, most offices have started calling employees back in office. The Covid-19 related restrictions have also eased in most places, including offices and public transport.
Google called its employees back in the office on April 4. The Google employees in several US locations have been asked to report back to office. “It’s been a long and challenging two years since the vast majority of our people started working from home. But the advances in prevention and treatment, the steady decline in cases that we continue to see, and the improved safety measures we have implemented across our Bay Area sites now mean we can officially begin the transition to the hybrid work week,” John Casey, Google’s vice president of global benefits said in an email to employees. The email was obtained by CNBC.
Although Google has lifted many covid-19 related restrictions, employees who are not vaccinated will have to follow Covid-related protocols which includes frequent testing, wearing masks, David Radcliffe, Google’s VP of real estate and workplace services had said in a note to employees. His note further mentioned that amenities like fitness centers, shuttle services, pantries, and “all informal spaces” will be reopening soon.