Goa Board Class 12 Exam From May 13
Goa Board Exam Dates 2021: Goa board Class 12 SSC examinations will be held from May 13 to June 4.
The Goa board 2021 Secondary School Certificate (SSC) Examination, or Class 12 exams, will be held from May 13 to June 4. The Goa board SSC exams scheduled from May 13 will begin at 9:30 am at 31 designated centres across the state. The practical examination in Science, Geography and History for Class 12 general and Children With Special Needs (CWSN) will be held from April 5 and for National Skills Qualification Framework (NSQF) students, the practical exams will be held between June 5 and June 20. While most of the papers including Music, Basic Cookery, Tailoring and Cutting, Basic Floriculture, Drawing and Painting, Pre-Vocational Subjects, Word Processing and Desktop Publishing will be held for a duration of two hours, subjects including Science, Geography and Economics, History and Political Science and Mathematics (Level 2) will be held for two hours 30 minutes duration. The upcoming 2021 Class Class 12 SSC Goa board exams will be held in centre-based pen and paper mode.More Related News