Ghislaine Maxwell juror to be questioned under oath by judge
ABC News
A judge plans to question a juror under oath about the answers he gave during jury selection for the criminal trial of Ghislaine Maxwell after he told news outlets that he didn't recall being asked about prior sexual abuse
NEW YORK -- A judge said Thursday that she'll question a juror under oath during a rare post-verdict evidentiary hearing about the answers he gave during jury selection for the criminal trial of Ghislaine Maxwell after he told news outlets that he didn’t recall being asked about prior sexual abuse.
U.S. District Judge Alison J. Nathan said in a written order that she’ll question the juror March 8 at a public court hearing.
She also said she had rejected a request by Maxwell’s attorneys that she order a new trial without gathering more information.
Maxwell, 60, remains incarcerated after she was convicted of sex trafficking, among other charges, during a December trial in which she was portrayed as the chief recruiter of teenage girls for financier Jeffrey Epstein to sexually abuse. Prosecutors said she also sometimes joined in the abuse.