German court migration case ruling says 'no longer general danger' to Syrian civilians
The Peninsula
Berlin: A German court has ruled that there is no longer a general danger to all civilians from the long running conflict in Syria, rejecting a claim...
Berlin: A German court has ruled that there is no longer a general danger to all civilians from the long-running conflict in Syria, rejecting a claim to protected status by a Syrian man who had been convicted in Austria for involvement in smuggling people into Europe.
The ruling by the top administrative court of North Rhine-Westphalia state, Germany's most populous, was announced Monday.
Justice Minister Marco Buschmann said Tuesday it was "a decision that one can understand, if one assumes that there are now regions in this country that are very dangerous but also other areas where there isn't necessary a danger to life.”
It wasn't immediately clear what consequences if any the ruling would have for German authorities' practice in handling claims for protection from Syrians, who so far largely have been deemed to face such a threat. It could still be appealed.
The court in the western city of Muenster ruled in the case of a man from Hasaka province in northeastern Syria who arrived in Germany in 2014.