Geraldo hits Biden for 'pitiful' speech as Afghanistan crumbles: 'What the hell did COVID have to do with' it
Fox News
Fox News correspondent-at-large Geraldo Rivera called out President Joe Biden for a “pitiful” and irrelevant speech instructing Americans about forthcoming coronavirus booster shots as a geopolitical and humanitarian catastrophe intensifies in Afghanistan under his watch.
"Can I just say something about the president's Ill-timed speech? It was pitiful," Rivera said. "It was pathetic. I try to give him every due respect. He's the president of the United States. I think he's a nice person," Rivera said. He added that the speech resembled an overt attempt to distract the American people from a new and burgeoning crisis. "What the hell that COVID speech had to do with the price of beans, I don't know. He delivered it as if someone said, 'Here's a good idea. Why don't you speak about the COVID booster and take their minds off of what they're seeing on the TV news.'" Rivera said.More Related News