Geospatial analysis: Stark regional disparities in stroke care
The Hindu
Study reveals regional disparities in access to life-saving stroke treatments in India, highlighting urgent need for improved infrastructure and care.
Only 26.3% of the nation’s population has access to stroke centres providing life-saving intravenous thrombolysis (IVT) within an hour’s drive while just 20.6% has access to endovascular treatment (EVT) within the same time frame.
Thus, people living in Chandigarh, Kerala and Delhi have the best access to stroke care in the country, with over half of the population having to travel less than an hour to reach a stroke centre.
Among the States /UTs with the highest number of stroke centres per million population with both IVT and EVT facilities were Chandigarh, Sikkim, Kerala, Delhi and Maharashtra, in that order.
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Of the six geographical zones of the country, the majority of stroke centres were located in the South zone. South had 37% of the stroke centres with IVT and 35% of the centres capable of EVT.
These stark regional disparities in access to life-saving reperfusion treatments for stroke in India were identified in a geospatial analysis of acute stroke care centres in the country.
The study, Geo-Spatial Analysis of Acute Ischemic Stroke Reperfusion Treatment in India: An Assessment of Distribution and Access to Centers, appears in the latest issue of International Journal of Stroke