George Gordon First Nation says 14 possible burials found at former residential school site
Global News
The leadership at the George Gordon First Nation revealed 14 possible unmarked graves were found through ground-penetrating radar during one of four searches.
Possible burials were located at the Gordon’s Indian Residential School located on the George Gordon First Nation (GGFN).
The GGFN leadership revealed on April 20, 2022, that 14 possible grave sites were found during one of the searches within the community.
“George Gordon First Nation began a difficult journey of attempting to locate areas within our community that have been a final resting place for the children and attendees who never returned to their families,” said GGFN Chief Byron Bitternose.
“It is with a heavy heart and the results of the first search indicates an area of high probability. In this area, it is determined through the data to have located 14 possible burials.”
GGFN established a committee in July of 2021, made up of community members and interested people. Afterward, in October, they secured a firm to conduct ground-penetrating radar (GPR) of three searches.
“Based on the validation of survivors and the descendants’ stories, four areas within our community were identified as areas of interest,” he said.
The committee worked alongside the GPR firm throughout the winter months and have concluded three searches. Chief Bitternose said in the upcoming months, the area of the burials will be deemed a priority for continued searching.
Band member and Chair of the George Gordon First Nation IRS Cemetery Committee Sarah Longman said the area that showed positive markings is in the vicinity very close to where the original residential school stood.