GBSHE SSC Result 2021-22: Class 10 board examination result out, here's how to check
India Today
GBSHEE SSC result 2021-22: Goa SSC term 1 results 2021 have been released. Students can check their scorecards before any delays.
GBSHSE SSC results 2021-22: The Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education (GBSHSE) has declared the SSC or class 10 term 1 result. Students who have appeared for the exam can check their scorecards by visiting the official website, i.e.,
As per the notification released by the GBSHSE, "SSC First Term Examination Marks can be downloaded from Institutional Login".
Students should note that the Goa SSC Term 1 Result 2021 has been announced officially but can be accessed only by school administrators and principals using their credentials.
Visit the official website--
On the homepage, click on 'Institutions'
Enter your user's name and password to login.
Students who have appeared for the exam can keep a close eye on the official website for more information related to the exam and results.