Gavin Newsom-Ron DeSantis war of words a possible 2024 or 2028 preview
Fox News
Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom of California and Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis of Florida are once in the spotlight this weekend, sparking more speculation about their 2024 intentions
DeSantis, whose popularity has soared among conservatives in Florida and across the country the past two and a half years, courtesy of his forceful pushback against coronavirus pandemic restrictions and his aggressive actions as a culture wars warrior, sparked a new controversy earlier this week by flying Venezuelan migrants to the progressive bastion of Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts.
While igniting outrage among Democrats, the calculated move spotlighted the combustible issue of illegal immigration and border security, which fires up the GOP base but also connects with independent voters who may be frustrated with the Biden administration efforts in handling the surge in border crossings into the U.S. over the past year and a half.