Funeral underway for four-year-old boy killed in Quebec bus crash last week
A funeral will be held today for one of the two young children killed when a bus crashed into a daycare last week in Laval, Que., just north of Montreal. The ceremony for Jacob Gauthier is scheduled for 11 a.m. at the Ste-Rose-de-Lima church, about two kilometres from the site of the tragedy.
A funeral is underway for one of the two young children killed when a bus crashed into a daycare last week in Laval, Que., just north of Montreal.
The bells of the Ste-Rose-de-Lima church tolled at 11 a.m. as five men carried the small white casket of Jacob Gauthier into the sanctuary.
A funeral notice published last week said Jacob was four and a half and is survived by his mother, father, sister, as well as grandparents and other extended family.
Media were asked to keep their distance as family and friends made their way into the church, past tributes of stuffed animals and flowers that were placed outside the door.
Four silver cars from the funeral home pulled up shortly before the service started, and men could be seen unloading large displays of white flowers.
Samir Alahmad, the president of the province's private daycare association, said it is hard to describe the magnitude of the parent's pain.
"Every parent in Quebec, every citizen in Quebec, should feel the pain those people are suffering now," he said outside the church. "There’s no words to describe what the family is suffering today."