From Bill Gates, roadmap to avoid another Covid-like pandemic
Zee News
"I believe that Covid-19 can be the last pandemic (and) I know that might be hard to believe while we`re still trying to get (the present outbreak) under control," says Bill Gates in a new book about the lessons learnt in the past two years and how to apply them to avoid a future disaster.
"I believe that Covid-19 can be the last pandemic (and) I know that might be hard to believe while we`re still trying to get (the present outbreak) under control," says Bill Gates in a new book about the lessons learnt in the past two years and how to apply them to avoid a future disaster.
"How To Prevent The Next Pandemic" (Penguin/Allen Lane), to be published on May 3, is a clear and hopeful plan of what countries, government leaders, and individuals must do to help prevent another pandemic. Grounded in his first-hand experience with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation`s response to Covid-19, the plan is ambitious and wide-ranging, outlining the innovations we need to save lives and to stop outbreaks early and equitably.
"The last two years have caused unbelievable amounts of hardship around the world, and it`s not easy to feel optimistic when you`ve endured the misery that so many people have experienced. But whenever I see the suffering that COVID has created-every time I read about the latest death toll or hear about someone who lost their job or drive by a school that is closed-I can`t help but think: We don`t have to do this again" the Microsoft co-founder writes in his "GatesNotes" blog post.