Fresh from 2020 election, big donors are already jumping back in to support pro-Trump and pro-Biden PACs
ABC News
Fresh off one of the country's most expensive presidential elections, wealthy donors from both sides are already back pumping big money into political super PACs.
Fresh off one of the most expensive presidential elections in modern American history, wealthy donors from both sides of the aisle are already back pumping big checks into supporting Donald Trump and Joe Biden's political efforts. Campaign disclosure reports filed last week showed Team Trump's aggressive post-White House fundraising efforts raising more than $50 million over the past six months, with more than $100 million on hand heading into the second half of the year. Trump's post-election fundraising operation has mainly focused on small-dollar online contributions through his newly formed political action committee, Save America, and his presidential campaign committee-turned PAC, Make America Great Again PAC -- both of which are limited by federal campaign regulations to contributions of $5,000 per person. In comparison, Team Biden -- which hasn't been soliciting donations as aggressively or extensively as Trump's multi-entity fundraising team and instead has mainly been raising money through his presidential campaign committee -- reported bringing in $10 million in the first six months of the year, with $4.7 million on hand. Much of Biden's campaign committee's fundraising -- limited by federal regulations to contributions of $2,800 per person -- has also focused on small online donations. As a result, contributions from wealthy donors who want to show bigger support are coming through outside entities like super PACs, which can solicit an unlimited amount of money from a single donor -- unlike a presidential campaign or a regular PAC.More Related News