Fox News Poll: Approval of Congress lowest in five years
Fox News
Congress’ approval rating at its lowest in five years as the number of Congressional Democrats calling for President Joe Biden to drop out of the presidential race grows
Just 18% of voters approve of the job Congress is doing, down one point from 19% in February 2024, and December and September 2023. Current congressional approval is down 16 points from 34% approval in June 2021, the highest during Biden’s presidency.
At that time, 47% of Democrats, 34% of independents, and 21% of Republicans approved of Congress. The new survey finds those numbers stand at 22%, 10%, and 16%, respectively.

DAVID MARCUS: Shocking report reveals need to drive stake through heart of Biden’s censorship regime
Columnist David Marcus writes that a new Media Research Center report highlighting just how bad censorship got under Biden proves that we need to implement laws that prevent it from ever coming back.