Fox News Host Fact-Checks Reporter Over ‘Republican Talking Point’ On Abortion
Howard Kurtz corrected a conservative journalist who repeated Donald Trump’s falsehoods about Democratic positions on abortion.
Fox News’ Howard Kurtz on Sunday rebutted a guest’s suggestion that Democrats support infanticide.
Caroline Downey, a reporter for the conservative National Review, was on “MediaBuzz” discussing the extreme abortion ban set to take effect in Arizona.
Former President Donald Trump has said he believes the issue of abortion should be for states to decide but that the recent Arizona ruling went too far.
“This is the problem with the GOP messaging on abortion,” Downey said on Fox News. “It’s not effective counterattacks because what Trump said in his statement was the extremism of the Democrats is astounding, and it’s not marketed enough — the fact that they could support abortion up until the moment of birth and verges on infanticide.”
As Kurtz interrupted to point out, “The infanticide thing is a bit of a Republican talking point. Nobody is killing babies that have already been born.”