Fort Macleod celebrates RCMP turning 150
Global News
The Royal Canadian Mounted Police is marking 150 years of service and the Fort Museum in Fort Macleod is celebrating in a big way.
The Fort Museum the North West Mounted Police and First Nations Interpretive Centre in Fort Macleod celebrating the RCMP’s 150 years in Canada.
“They’ve kind of been the force through the ages, becoming the NWMP then the Royal NWMP and then the RCMP,” said Christopher Richmond-Krahn with the Fort Museum.
He added the community is rich with policing history.
“They first came to this area in 1874 with the march west coming from Ontario to here in southern Alberta,” he said.
The town of Fort Macleod will turn 150 next year, and it has a long history with the RCMP and First Nations in the area.
RCMP Superintendent Rick Jané said Indigenous people played a crucial role in the cross-country migration.
“We would never normally be able to survive the march west without indigenous peoples and those supports and that relationship is very powerful and important to me and to our organization,” he said.
Inspector Kimberly Mueller is the officer in charge of indigenous policing and said events like this are part of an effort to continue repairing the RCMP’s relationship with first nations communities.