Former Kitchener, Ont. teacher who taped students to chairs found guilty of professional misconduct
The Ontario Teachers College found the teacher's actions amounted to psychological or emotional abuse.
A former Kitchener, Ont. teacher who taped two elementary school students to their chairs has been found guilty of professional misconduct by the Ontario Teachers College.
The incident happened at Alpine Public School in fall of 2021.
“I don’t feel safe and my kids don’t feel safe,” the parent of one of the children told CTV News in October of 2021.
In a decision released last month, the college's disciplinary panel says the teacher's actions amounted to psychological or emotional abuse.
An agreed statement of facts says the teacher’s intent was to remind one student not to get up and another not to twist around and socialize.
The panel said her actions created fear, showed a disregard for the students’ wellbeing, and were, “disgraceful, dishonourable, and unprofessional.”
They’ve ordered her licence to teach be suspended for four months and that she take an approved classroom management course if she wants to return to teaching.