Former Alberta auditor general explains review process amid AHS probe
Former auditor general Merwan Saher says though the public may have a desire for instant information in a probe tied to Alberta Health Services, results of a promised review may still be months away.
Last week, Alberta's current auditor general, Doug Wylie, launched an investigation into procurement and contracting processes within AHS.
On Wednesday, Athana Mentzelopoulos, the former CEO of the agency, filed a $1.7-million wrongful dismissal lawsuit against AHS and the province. She alleged multiple government officials applied "influence and pressure" on her to extend contracts and sign others with a private health-care provider.
The allegations have not been tested in court, and a statement of defence has not yet been filed.
The auditor general of Alberta is an independent watchdog who examines how the government is managing its resources and responsibilities. On the office's website, the auditor states its goal is to ensure that "public money is properly accounted for and provides value."
Saher served in that role from 2010 until 2018. Among his reports was one that found that former Alberta premier Alison Redford and her office used taxpayer money "inappropriately," flying on government planes for "personal and partisan purposes."
In an interview, Saher said it's dangerous to make comparisons to past reviews when the subject matter is not the same.
But the review into Redford and her office was extensive, he said, involving numerous interviews and a thorough review of expenses, with auditors ensuring all findings were backed by multiple sources of evidence.
"For this work to be credible, and the Office of the Auditor General prides itself on its credibility, [it] will take time," Saher said.
"The timing is wholly dependent on the subject matter … [this review] could be quite short, and by short, I mean one or two months. Or it could take a long time. Anything up to six months or more."
Alberta Premier Danielle Smith has said she was not involved in any wrongdoing and would ask the current auditor general for an "expedited" review.
But the timeline will play out at Wylie's discretion, Saher said.
The current auditor general will have two options: include the review as part of his next annual report, or prepare a special report on a matter of importance or urgency.
Generally speaking, those who are the subject of the audit will "have sight of what's written" before it's publicly released, Saher said.

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