Foreign Minister S Jaishankar Reveals How His Pathway To Diplomacy Started
"Why did I start getting interested in the world? I think part of it was probably an interest in music that, you know, you heard music beyond your own and then you wondered, you know, what kind of music, where is it from, what kind of people," Mr Jaishankar said.
External Affairs Minister S Jaishankar on Tuesday told a group of American students that it is his interest in music and also his family atmosphere that led to his diplomatic life.
"What made you all interested in international relations?" asked Angel Brian, a sophomore international affairs major and also a 2019-2020 Global Citizen Year India Fellow, to Mr Jaishankar and Secretary of State Antony Blinken as both of them attended an event at the Howard University.
"Why did I start getting interested in the world? I think part of it was probably an interest in music that, you know, you heard music beyond your own and then you wondered, you know, what kind of music, where is it from, what kind of people," Mr Jaishankar responded.
"I think the food part of it came much later. It was easier to afford music than food when you were younger. Some of it also came from a family environment, which was a little bit international," he said.