For first time, UN General Assembly resolution on multilingualism mentions Hindi language
India Today
A resolution on multilingualism adopted in the UN General Assembly on Friday mentioned the Hindi language for the first time.
In a significant initiative, a resolution on multilingualism adopted in the UN General Assembly on Friday mentions the Hindi language for the first time, with India emphasising that it is imperative that the United Nations embraces multilingualism in a true sense.
The resolution adopted in the 193-member UN General Assembly, presented by Andorra and co-sponsored by over 80 nations including India, underlines the responsibility of the United Nations Secretariat towards “integrating multilingualism into its activities, on an equitable basis.”
It recognises the efforts of the United Nations to use non-official languages, in addition to the six official languages - Arabic, Chinese, English, French, Russian and Spanish - where appropriate, for communications with specific local target audiences and emphasises the importance of multilingualism in the activities of the United Nations.
The resolution “expresses appreciation for the efforts of the Department of Global Communications in highlighting some recent important communications and messages of the Secretary-General in non-official languages, such as Portuguese, Hindi, Kiswahili, Persian, Bangla and Urdu, in addition to official languages, in order to promote multilingualism.”
It encourages the Department to disseminate them in all six official languages, as well as in non-official languages whenever appropriate, within existing resources.
India’s Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador T S Tirumurti, speaking in the General Assembly hall, noted that this year, “for the first time, the resolution has a mention of Hindi language.”
“The resolution encourages the UN Department of Global Communications to continue disseminating important communications and messages in official as well as in non-official languages, including in the Hindi language,” he said.