Footage shows Iranian teen Nika Shikarami singing, dancing before alleged killing by police
Fox News
Footage of Iranian teenager Nika Shakamari shows her singing and dancing in front of a crowd prior to her death. Iranian police followed her after she burned her hijab.
Shakarami is among hundreds reportedly killed in Iran's crackdown against human rights protests across the country. The protests first erupted following the police-custody death of Mahsa Amini, who was arrested for improperly wearing a hijab. Send tips to, or on Twitter: @Hagstrom_Anders
"Women like Mahsa and Nika have become the faces and hashtags of this movement because their cold and violent deaths clearly illustrate the brutality of this regime against all of its constituents, but also underscores how this regime is fixated on controlling and repressing young women who are only asking for their basic freedoms," Foreign Desk editor-in-chief Lisa Daftari told Fox News Digital.
Netanyahu hails 'historic' fall of Bashar Assad in Syria, credits Israeli attacks on Hezbollah, Iran
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu warned that the fall of Bashar Assad's regime in Syria is "fraught" with danger, but hailed the development regardless.