Flood-devastated B.C. ranchers and farmers cautiously await agricultural recovery aid
Global News
Ranchers Rhonda and Wayne MacDonald joined dozens of others as they rode their horses into Merritt Sunday for a rally in support of the long anticipated agri-recovery program.
Flood-devastated farmers and ranchers across B.C. are cautiously optimistic ahead of a joint federal and provincial announcement Monday of what is being billed as the “largest agricultural recovery program” in the province’s history.
On Jan. 24, B.C.’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries said the flood recovery programming would be unveiled soon, and that the provincial government was urgently working with the feds to develop a comprehensive financial support package that will assist farmers with recovery.
Interior rancher Rhonda MacDonald said she’s somewhat skeptical but still very hopeful about the potential flood recovery cash.
“Honestly at this point, that’s really all we have to cling to,” MacDonald told Global News Sunday.
MacDonald and her husband Wayne, who raise beef cattle and grow hay at Bar FX Ranch along Highway 8 between Merritt and Spences Bridge, joined dozens of other ranchers as they rode their horses into Merritt Sunday for a rally in support of the long-anticipated agri-recovery funds.
The couple lost 20 per cent of their cattle herd during the Lytton Creek wildfire – before last November’s flooding wiped out cattle and irrigation infrastructure, and hayfields.
The MacDonalds are hoping for help to cover the cost of hay to feed their animals, land recovery and remediation.
“We don’t want the government to support us indefinitely,” said MacDonald.