Five ways Ronald Reagan can save America: 'Freedom never more than one generation from extinction'
Fox News
Ronald Reagan inspired an American revival in the 1980s, after the societal upheaval of the 1960s and 1970s. Experts believe his vision can lift the U.S. again.
The quagmire of Vietnam, the author added, the failed presidency of Lyndon Johnson, the resignation of Richard Nixon, the Iran hostage crisis and the infamous social and economic "malaise" of the Jimmy Carter administration all created the feeling of a nation in decline. "It’s a problem of the human heart and it’s there we must look for the answer." — Ronald Reagan "Our Constitution is designed only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." — John Adams "Faith in the dignity of the individual under God is the foundation for the whole American political experiment." — Ronald Reagan Kerry J. Byrne is a lifestyle reporter with Fox News Digital.
Reagan countered the appearance of cultural decay with pro-growth economic policies and an investment in American muscularity abroad.