First responders set to hold large-scale emergency exercise in Brampton
Global News
Peel Regional Police said officers would simulate a critical incident to practice large-scale, complex emergencies along with Brampton Fire, Mississauga Fire and Peel paramedics.
First responders in Peel Region are set to practice a large emergency event in Brampton.
Peel Regional Police said officers would simulate a critical incident to practice large-scale, complex emergencies along with Brampton Fire, Mississauga Fire and Peel paramedics on Saturday.
More than 100 volunteers will act in the event to test emergency responses in the region.
“An essential pillar of Peel Regional Police’s strategic plan is collaborating with our emergency response partners to hone our collective ability to respond to large-scale and complex emergencies,” Peel Regional Police said.
The emergency exercise is slated to take place between 9 a.m. and 3 p.m. at St. Thomas Aquinas Secondary School in Brampton.