Find permanent solution for this leaky manhole in Kilpauk
The Hindu
Find permanent solution for this leaky manhole in Kilpauk
The inner workings of certain systems should remain unseen. Part of the success of these systems depends on their ability to deliver results while staying unobtrusive. Sewage systems are among them. They should not draw attention to themselves till they reach their intended destination. They certainly cannot show up in the middle of the road. A sewage conduit system running through the Kilpauk section of EVR Periyar Salai breaks this axiomatic law. Waste water bubbles up from a manhole and spreads across the road every day, at certain hours, as a habitue of the section puts it. The Hindu Downtown visited the spot on two successive days (January 17 and 18) and during both visits, found the manhole to be leaking its contents.
This recurrent issue is exacerbated by the where of it. It happens in an extremely busy section: the leaky manhole is found on the carriageway just across the Kilpauk fire and rescue services station. On the same side is located the entrance to the Kilpauk Medical College. Directly on the other side of the road is the Kilpauk Metro station.
Reportedly, this leaky manhole was fixed only around 20 days ago, but the problem has returned. At the time of the visits, a heap of earth dug up during that remedial exercise was still sitting on the pavement.