Fetterman said in 2016 he held a Black Lives Matter 'worldview,' considered viewpoints to be 'common sense'
Fox News
In a 2016 interview, Pennsylvania Democratic Senate nominee said he holds a "Black Lives Matter kind of worldview" and insisted that his positions on issues are just "common sense."
Kyle Morris covers politics for Fox News. On Twitter: @RealKyleMorris.
"Let me take issue with the anti-establishment," Fetterman said. "I never positioned myself as anti-establishment. In fact, I was the only elected official in my race, I point out. Katie McGinty never held elected office and [Joe] Sestak’s only elected office was a term, I believe, in Congress before he started running. So this idea that I was anti-establishment – I just ran on what I felt were important, common sense issues whether that was a living wage, marijuana legalization, a Black Lives Matter kind of worldview, but also a community policing."
Fetterman, who said at the time that he did not consider his position on various issues to be "radical," claimed it's "common sense" that cities that "don't embrace" the Black Lives Matter movement have higher crime rates.