Ferry service between Bedford and Halifax is on the horizon, city councillor says
A municipal catamaran ferry service between Bedford and Halifax is on the horizon, according to a municipal councillor.
A municipal catamaran ferry service between Bedford and Halifax is on the horizon, according to a municipal councillor.
“The market study has been done, the design study has been done,” said Tim Outhit, Bedford-Wentworth councillor.
But this has been said before.
Back in 2021, it was thought the ferries could be in the water in three years. That timeline was put on hold.
“At that time we were still investigating rail, which would have serviced a lot more community and would have serviced all the growth that we’re seeing down in Hants and Colchester and these areas where people are coming into the HRM [Halifax Regional Municipality],” Outhit says.
Deals with Via Rail and CN that own the tracks couldn’t be reached, forcing the rail dream off the tracks. Focus again turned back to the water.
Commitments have been received from the federal and provincial governments for a fast ferry that would run from Bedford to downtown Halifax and back.