Female teachers can do away with 'Ms' or 'Mrs' before names, thanks to campaign by BHU women's college teacher
India Today
A campaign by the teacher of a BHU women's college has led to a big change -- women teachers now no more need to put 'Ms' or 'Mrs' before their names to denote their marital status.
Just as male teachers do not put 'Mr' after writing 'Professor' or 'Doctor' before their names, in the same way, now female teachers also don't have to use words like 'Ms' or 'Mrs' to identify their marital status. This major move is due to the campaign of a female teacher of a women's college of Banaras Hindu University which paid off and now is also being implemented in other women's colleges. Even a small change can give a big message to society. The step taken by one college is bringing this message to all the higher educational institutions of the country. From now on, female teachers can implement their own choice for putting 'Ms' or 'Mrs' before their names. They cannot be forced anymore to use these words which denote their marital status.More Related News