Feeling crowded yet? The U.S. Census Bureau estimates the world's population has passed 8 billion
The human species has topped eight billion, with longer lifespans offsetting fewer births, but world population growth continues a long-term trend of slowing down, the U.S. Census Bureau said Thursday.
The human species has topped eight billion, with longer lifespans offsetting fewer births, but world population growth continues a long-term trend of slowing down, the U.S. Census Bureau said Thursday.
The bureau estimates the global population exceeded the threshold Sept. 26, a precise date the agency said to take with a grain of salt.
The United Nations estimated the number was passed 10 months earlier, having declared Nov. 22, 2022, the "Day of 8 Billion," the Census Bureau pointed out in a statement.
The discrepancy is due to countries counting people differently -- or not at all. Many lack systems to record births and deaths. Some of the most populous countries, such as India and Nigeria, haven't conducted censuses in over a decade, according to the bureau.
While world population growth remains brisk, growing from eight billion to eight billion since the turn of the millennium, the rate has slowed since doubling between 1960 and 2000.
People living to older ages account for much of the recent increase. The global median age, now 32, has been rising in a trend expected to continue toward 39 in 2060.
Countries such as Canada have been aging with declining older-age mortality, while countries such as Nigeria have seen dramatic declines in deaths of children under five.