Feds considering incentives for Canadians looking to help incoming Ukrainians
The federal government is considering offering economic support to Canadians who are willing to take in Ukrainians who are fleeing the war, according to Minister of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Sean Fraser.
In an interview on CTV’s Question Period, Fraser was asked whether Canada is considering implementing a program similar to what the U.K. is doing—offering households monthly payments for opening their homes to Ukrainian refugees—and he said that “everything is on the table right now.”
“We're looking at different options right now to capitalize on the extraordinary goodwill of Canadians,” Fraser said.
The immigration minister said he wouldn’t rule out a tax credit as an example of a way the government could incentivize Canadians to help in what could become a massive resettlement effort, even on a temporary basis.
Citing the response he’s seen from Canadians offering their homes and other supports, Fraser said the government is working with non-profit organizations on how to best co-ordinate and “maximize” the offers coming in.