Federal Liberals to pick new leader on March 9 as rules for leadership race are defined
The Liberal Party of Canada have announced leadership race rules late Thursday, including a significant increase in entrance fees and a requirement for voters to be Canadian citizens.
The Liberal Party of Canada released its leadership race rules late Thursday, just days after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced he will be resigning as party leader once a successor is selected.
In a press release, the party says a new leader will be picked on March 9. Leadership contestants must also declare by Jan. 23 and will be required to pay an entrance fee of $350,000, giving potential candidates limited time to fundraise.
The fee is a significant jump from the $75,000 fee in the previous leadership race.
“You want to set a high-entry fee so you discourage also-rans, so you discourage carpet baggers and you discourage special interest groups,” CTV News political analyst Scott Reid said, who also worked with former prime minister Paul Martin.
“You want (candidates) to be people who can step up to the plate, communicate and connect with Canadians and demonstrate they can be the next prime minister.”
Whoever wins the leadership will have just two weeks in their new job before the House of Commons is set to return on March 24. On Monday, in the wake of his resignation announcement, Trudeau asked Gov. Gen. Mary Simon to prorogue the current session of Parliament until late March – ending all parliamentary business.
The new leader could also quickly face a general election, as opposition parties have signalled they will move to bring down the Liberal government at the first opportunity.