Federal and provincial governments promise $30.5M for B.C. salmon support
On Friday, the federal and provincial governments promised millions of dollars to support struggling pacific salmon along the B.C. coast.
At the same time, a small army of 44 Kindergarteners from McKenzie Elementary School were marching their way to the banks of the Colquitz River in Saanich in hopes of causing an environmental ripple effect on Earth Day.
"We’re going to release salmon," said Oscar, a Kindergartener.
"I already let one go and he was trying to go that way," said Luke, another Kindergartner, as he pointed upstream.
"They’re going to into the ocean," added another student, Penny.
It’s a project that began in January, started by Kindergarten teacher Andrea Jardim.
"A fish tank and eggs were delivered to the school," said the teacher.
Once those eggs hatched, these young students raised those fry to the size they are now. In the process, they learned an important lesson about how integral salmon are to nature's ecosystem.
A Kindergarten student releases a single coho fry into the Colquitz River in Saanich, B.C. (CTV News)