FBI investigators reveal the 'grave milestone' in the notorious 'Unabomber' case: 'He couldn't stop'
Fox News
Fox Nation's new special, 'Scandalous: Unabomber' takes a never-before-seen look into the serial bomber case that rocked the nation for years.
On April 3, 1996, Kaczynski was arrested in a primitive cabin 75 miles east of Missoula, Montana. Kaczynski was described as an unkempt loner in the sleepy mountain town who ate rabbits, lived without power and rode his bike to the town’s library. Kayla Bailey is Digital Production Assistant with Fox News.
As the Fox Nation special explores, at the time of his arrest, Kaczynski had two completed bombs, explosive ingredients, journals and a coded diary, authorities said.
Before he was known as the Unabomber, who was Ted Kaczynski? Were there any warning signs that were missed? Throughout Fox Nation's special, investigators on the case take a detailed look at Kacynski's upbringing, attempting to piece together how he would eventually become the world’s most notorious serial bomber.