Father holds vigil for daughter who was struck, killed by truck in Montreal
Global News
Every day since Dilan Caya's death, her father Cuma Caya has kept vigil at the intersection where she was killed, struck by a truck.
The number 22 has a new significance for Cuma Caya, who lives in Montreal’s Saint-Michel neighbourhood.
That figure isn’t just the age of his daughter Dilan Caya. It also represents the day she died, June 22nd, as well as where she passed away — 22nd Avenue.
“How did she die?” he asked rhetorically, explaining that he still doesn’t fully understand why.
Dilan was struck by a truck as she was crossing 22nd Avenue at the intersection with Bélair Street in Saint-Michel.
“The truck turned here,” he explained, pointing to the crosswalk at the intersection, “and struck her on the 5th yellow line.”
So far the driver is facing no charges and Caya says he can’t get answers from police. Every day since the accident the father has kept vigil at the intersection.
“Usually I’m here alone but sometimes with my son,” he told Global News. “Yesterday I was here all day until 11 at night.”
People who live in the area sympathize with him, and those like Sofiane Mezghiche, whose home is next to the intersection, regularly stop by to offer support