Fallen soldier and devoted father lost in Afghanistan left legacy of true friendship
Fox News
Thirteen years ago, Army Capt. John L. Hallett died in Afghanistan with three other soldiers when an improvised roadside bomb exploded. Hallett left behind his wife and kids — and countless friends.
"With John, what was maybe a brief disagreement was no match for a good laugh." "He could pull a ‘rabbit out of his hat’ when situations would get tough." As his circle of friends grew, so did his height. By senior year, he was over six feet tall, but eventually his two younger brothers outgrew him. He proposed to his future wife, Lisa, on Valentine’s Day in 2003 at the top of Diamond Head, a volcanic cone on the Hawaiian island of Oahu. "He treated folks like he wanted to be treated — with dignity and compassion."
Hallett was a West Point graduate. He left behind his wife, Lisa, and their three children (the youngest child, a daughter, was born after Hallett died, so he never got to see or hold her).
"He was assigned to the 1st Battalion, 17th Infantry Regiment, 5th Stryker Brigade, 2nd Infantry Division, Fort Lewis, Wash," according to West Point's website.