Facebook message from Kelowna woman helps two Ukrainian women flee war
Global News
Despite being here for more than a week, the women are still in shock at the way they have been embraced by the Sentes family.
It was early May when Margot Sentes came across a Facebook post that touched her.
“She said that she had a girlfriend and wanted to come to Canada and didn’t know anyone and had no help,” Sentes said.
The post was written by Olya Strekozova, a 32-year-old Ukrainian woman, who had been displaced by the war in her homeland.
“So I answered the post and we started communicating,” Sentes told Global News.
Sentes told Strekozova that she and her husband Rick had space in their home to house the two women.
“She wrote me such kind message, you know she was so generous,” said Strekozova as she choked back tears. “I don’t believe that people know you just a few minutes, just know you a few days can do this.”
After several messages back and forth, flights bound for Kelowna were booked.
“A week or so later, they were here,” Sentes said.