‘Extremettes’ Maritime women’s hiking group plunges into frigid waterfalls
Global News
A group of New Brunswick women known as the 'Extremettes' are plunging into frigid waterfalls across the province.
The “Extremettes” — a group of women from New Brunswick who love nature and hiking — are taking life to the extreme by literally plunging into adventure.
The group of about 100 women from New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and PEI started out as a hiking group, said founder Patricia Weagle of Moncton.
“We don’t like to do things plainly, we like to do things the extreme way,” she said.
The group now meets regularly at the banks of waterfalls across New Brunswick to plunge into frigid pools even in the dead of winter.
“We don’t just look at the waterfalls, we like to get in the waterfalls,” said Weagle, who said they often use two Waterfalls of New Brunswick books written by Nicholas Guitard as their guide.
But it’s not just for the rush, it’s about jumping into the pool of life and friendship, said Weagle.
“Being safe with each other and being each other’s buddy and being each other’s smiles,” she said.
Chrystal Godfrey of Miramichi, N.B., recently joined the group and took a plunge at Henderson Falls in Henderson Settlement just last week.