Extreme heat wave triggers need to take the right precautions in the Saskatchewan sun
Global News
The sizzling sun is no picnic for those working outdoors in construction, landscaping and roofing. Saskatchewan health officials and those who work in the sun have tips.
Temperatures are high, and the sun is out in full effect, but the level of heat over Saskatchewan can be dangerous.
While many people may take advantage of the blistering weather, experts say people need to be cautious while they’re outdoors.
“People are out and about enjoying the summer. They forget about drinking water, taking breaks from the sun,” says Adam Fedrau, an advanced care paramedic at Medavie Health Services Saskatoon.
He adds that people must remember to do things to cool off, “like getting into the water, taking breaks in the shade.”
Fedrau says he notices more 911 calls for heat-related illnesses when the temperature surpasses 30 C.
“Anything from people getting muscle cramps to severe heat stroke where they’re confused, perhaps unconscious, requires 911 care or emergency room care.”
The sizzling sun is no picnic for people in outdoor industries such as construction, landscaping, and roofing. A majority have to overcome and adapt while on the clock in order to stay safe.
“Don’t spend too much time out in the heat,” says Greg Wintringham, owner of Wintringham roofing in Saskatoon.