Expert testifies Kelowna, B.C. officer’s use of force wasn’t consistent with training
Global News
It was two witness videos that first raised public questions about whether or not Const. Siggy Pietrzak used excessive force.
It was two witness videos that first raised public questions about whether or not Const. Siggy Emmit-Steven Pietrzak used excessive force during a May 2020 arrest in downtown Kelowna.
Thursday the videos were shown in court as the Kelowna RCMP officer’s assault trial resumed.
Pietrzak is accused of one count of assault on Tyler Russell, whom officers were trying to arrest on suspicion of impaired driving.
Partial footage of the incident appears to show Russell struggling with two officers before a third officer runs up and strikes him repeatedly.
After watching the videos in court, a senior RCMP officer, brought in by the Crown as an expert witness, testified he believed Pietrzak’s use of force in the videos wasn’t consistent with RCMP training and policy.
A key factor for Staff Sgt. Leonard McCoshen was the number of blows.
McCoshen explained in his testimony there could have been justification for fewer strikes as a distraction technique.
“I would agree that one or two strikes to the head would be distractionary and in this case there are more. I count four strikes to the head with no time in between strikes to assess their effectiveness or Mr. Russell’s response,” McCoshen said.