Exclusive: Erectile dysfunction to premature ejaculation - Various sexual health issues faced by men and tips to cope up with them
Zee News
Male sexual dysfunction is a common health problem affecting men of all ages but is more common with increasing age.
New Delhi: Male sexual dysfunction issues like erectile dysfunction, low libido etc., affect men’s performance in bed and are a cause of unsatisfying sexual experience. But because of the notion of masculinity and the taboo around admitting to facing any problem in bed - many men are unable to take professional help which can further aggravate the problem. Male sexual dysfunction is a common health problem affecting men of all ages, but is more common with increasing age. Dr Vineet Malhotra, Clinical Director – Urology, Andrology and Male Health Specialist at Diyos Hospital, Delhi shares the common sexual dysfunctions that men suffer. Some of them are: Possibly the most common sexual problem that men suffer while having sex. Premature ejaculation is a condition in which a man ejaculates quickly (typically less than a minute) following sexual stimulation, leaving the partners sexually unhappy and dissatisfied. According to the recent study, Premature ejaculation (or early ejaculation) affects nearly 30 percent of men across the globe.More Related News