EXCLUSIVE: 5 healthy and easy food trends to adopt in 2022
Zee News
As the world enters the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, here are 5 trends that will further elevate the nutritive impact of food on our physical and mental health and wellbeing.
New Delhi: The therapeutic effect of food on our overall health has, perhaps, never been felt so deeply. As the world enters the third year of the COVID-19 pandemic, here are 5 trends that will further elevate the nutritive impact of food on our physical and mental health and wellbeing. Uma Prasad of The Organic World shares with us her top 5 food trends for this year.
Hand-churned ghee
In order to maximise output, several factory-based ghee manufacturers may not go through the traditional and healthy process of extracting ghee from makhan that is derived from curd. Instead they often buy cream or other types of fats in bulk and process them using machines to speed up production and output. While this helps in increased yield, the use of chemicals and heat means this ghee can be lower in nutritional value as compared to the traditional, hand-churned ghee - a time-tested, healing food, manufactured without the use of heat and using the traditional hand churned method.