Ex Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee "Responding To Doctors"
The former Chief Minister of West Bengal was admitted to Woodlands Hospital on July 29 with a lower respiratory tract infection and Type II respiratory failure.
Former Chief Minister of West Bengal Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee is alert and responding to doctors and visitors, according to the health update provided by Woodlands Multispeciality Hospital on Sunday.
"On the ninth day of admission, former Chief Minister of West Bengal Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee, 79, remains on intermittent non-invasive ventilatory support. He is alert and responding to doctors and visitors," read a press statement from Woodlands Multispeciality Hospital.
The former Chief Minister of West Bengal was admitted to Woodlands Hospital on July 29 with a lower respiratory tract infection and Type II respiratory failure.