Escaped inmates back in custody in The Pas, Man.
People in northern Manitoba are breathing a little easier as the last of three escaped inmates has been recaptured in The Pas.
Kelly John Castel, 21, was located early Wednesday morning, less than 48 hours after he and two others ran from The Pas Correctional Centre around 6:45 p.m. Monday.
"Emergency Response Team officers who were brought in to assist with the search for the escaped inmates were conducting patrols … and located Kelly Castel near Halcrow Avenue," in the town, about 500 kilometres northwest of Winnipeg, RCMP said in a news release.
Castel ran when police first saw him but additional officers, including a K-9 unit and drone, were called in. The police dog led officers to Castel, who was hiding a short distance away, the release stated.
"The Manitoba RCMP recognizes that this was a difficult time for the affected communities and thanks the residents for their understanding and assistance," it added.
People in The Pas and nearby towns — Flin Flon and Creighton, Sask. — were advised to lock all doors and windows and report anything suspicious as police searched for Castel and Xander William Tardiff, 19, in the wake of their escape.
A third man also managed to get away but was found and taken back into custody less than two hours after being on the lam.
RCMP cast their warning widely because Tardiff and Castel, who have a history of violence and were considered dangerous, had connections to those other areas.
Schools in The Pas cancelled all outdoor activities, keeping students inside on Tuesday.
Around 2 p.m. that day, police announced they had arrested Tardiff.
They have not said where he was located.