Escape from Kabul: One Afghan family's tale of heartbreak and rescue
It was August 26 in Kabul, just barely evening, and Nasema was holding on tightly to two of the most important things in her life, not knowing that she would lose one of them before the sun completely set.
In one hand, she held the key to her escape from Afghanistan: travel documents. In the other arm, her 2-year-old daughter, who everyone in the family affectionately calls "the baby girl."
Lal Mohammad, Nasema's brother, trailed behind her with her four other children, ages 6 to 11. They were hoping, with no guarantee of getting on an evacuation flight that day, to make the journey that thousands of Afghans have now taken to get to the US, circumnavigating half the globe after an abrupt and unceremonious end to a 20-year war.
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