Eric Adams Heads to Mar-a-Lago to Meet With Trump
The New York Times
The New York mayor, who is under federal indictment, has spoken warmly about President-elect Donald J. Trump in recent weeks and has said he is open to receiving a pardon from him.
Mayor Eric Adams of New York City was on his way to Florida on Thursday evening to meet with President-elect Donald J. Trump at Mar-a-Lago, his spokesman confirmed.
The meeting did not appear on Mr. Adams’s public schedule.
“Mayor Adams has made quite clear his willingness to work with President-elect Trump and his incoming administration on behalf of New Yorkers — and that partnership with the federal government is critical to New York City’s success,” Fabien Levy, the mayor’s spokesman, said in an email.
Mr. Adams, a Democrat, has drawn criticism from members of his party for appearing to cozy up to Mr. Trump. And while Mr. Adams has expressed a desire to work productively with the incoming administration, critics have suggested that his warmth toward the president-elect masks a different motivation.
In September, Mr. Adams was indicted on five federal corruption charges, part of an investigation that he argues is political retribution for his criticism of President Biden’s immigration policies. Mr. Trump has publicly commiserated with Mr. Adams and seconded his depiction of a Justice Department run amok. Mr. Adams has expressed openness to the notion of receiving a presidential pardon.
Mr. Levy, in his statement, said Mayor Adams and Mr. Trump would discuss “New Yorkers’ priorities” when they meet on Friday. “The mayor looks forward to having a productive conversation with the incoming president on how we can move our city and country forward,” Mr. Levy wrote.