End of restrictions has some students and parents worried about safety of Manitoba schools
A new poll suggests that remote learning was hard for most families; however, now that restrictions have ended some students and parents are worried about the safety of schools.
A new poll suggests that remote learning was hard for most families; however, now that restrictions have ended some students and parents are worried about the safety of schools.
Brie Villeneuve walked out of school on Monday morning.
The Grade 12 student and Manitoba Students for COVID Safety organizer is asking for mandatory precautions, like masks, to be reinstated at schools
"It is a little bit disappointing but I know I have a voice and it will be heard if I keep going," Villeneuve said.
This is a position not many of her peers seem to support.
"Out of the population of the school, I don't think there's much of a crowd that's really, you know, trying to get more restrictions," said Grade 12 student Gabe Rubanny.
A new Angus Reid poll done in partnership with the CBC shows seven-in-10 parents with children between the ages of six and 17 agree that remote learning has been hard on their family.