Elephant Rescue In Bengal Using Archimedes Principle Delights Twitter
The elephant is seen struggling inside the deep pit, and trying to use its trunk to come out.
A video of an elephant being rescued from a ditch in West Bengal's Midnapore has surfaced on social media. It shows a group of forest rangers applying some physics to being the young elephant out of the pit. An elephant fell into a ditch in Midinapur. Now how to rescue it. By applying Archimedes' principle. Watch to believe. pic.twitter.com/1mPs3v8VjC Salute to one and all who were involved in this rescue⛑️
The video has been shared on Twitter by many users, including Indian Forest Service (IFS) officer Parveen Kaswan, who says Archimedes principle was applied.
“An elephant fell into a ditch in Midinapur. Now how to rescue it. By applying Archimedes' principle. Watch to believe,” Kaswan says in the post.