Electricity imports from U.S. topped exports in February amid drought: StatCan
BNN Bloomberg
For the first time in eight years, Canada imported more electricity from the U.S. than it exported amid prolonged dry conditions that have reduced hydroelectric power generation.
Statistics Canada says electricity generation in Canada totalled 53.6 million megawatt-hours (MWh) in February, down 4.9 per cent from the same month last year, as average daily generation was 8.2 per cent lower year-over-year.
Canada imported 2.7 million MWh of electricity from the U.S. that month, slightly more than the 2.6 million MWh it exported, marking the first time electricity imports have exceeded exports since StatCan changed the way it collects such data in 2016.
Imports were 124.1 per cent higher than average for February 2024, while exports were 44.8 per cent below average levels for the month.