Elections in November will be a next-level tsumani for Republicans and they must prepare now
Fox News
In the November midterm elections there will be a rejection of the Democratic Party and the mess it has made of things since 2020. Republicans must get ready.
Pay close attention to this: Irrelevant, trivial noise and niche issues are the enemies of growing a majority. Clarity, consistency, and firmness of purpose are the keys to attracting, educating, and holding together a New American Majority. Former Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives Newt Gingrich is the host of the "Newt’s World" podcast and author of the New York Times bestseller "Trump and the American Future." His latest book is "Big Government Socialism." More of his commentary can be found at www.Gingrich360.com
If this big election tsunami is going to materialize into what could be the worst Democrat Party repudiation since 1920, Republicans need to understand two things:
First, this is an American Majority – not a Republican Majority or a Conservative Majority. Americans of all ethnic and partisan backgrounds are coming together to reject unsustainable pain for their families, communities, and our free society.