Election day in Edmonton: 165K votes cast by 5 p.m.
Edmonton’s 89th election is well underway.
Edmonton’s 89th election is well underway.
More than 165,000 votes had been cast by 5 p.m., according to the city.
Polls opened at 9 a.m., save two at Major General Griesbach School and Forest Heights School that didn’t have enough supplies. Both opened about an hour late. There are 212 polling stations across the city.
Among the Edmontonians casting ballots for Edmonton’s next mayor and councillors were the candidates themselves.
As of noon, Amarjeet Sohi had voted in Mill Woods, Mike Nickel had voted on the south side then headed to campaign for final votes in north Edmonton, Kim Krushell cast her ballot in Westmount and Michael Oshry had submitted his vote at a west-end school. Cheryll Watson planned to vote in the afternoon.
The race will see Alberta’s capital city choose a new mayor after being led by Don Iveson for multiple terms, as well as councillors for newly redrawn and renamed wards.
This year, voters will get one municipal ballot and one provincial ballot. On the first, they will vote for one of nine mayoral candidates, a ward councillor, and a trustee for their public or Catholic school division ward.